Monday, March 11, 2013

Taking Your House from "For Sale" to SOLD!

Some people love their homes and can get downright sentimental about the prospect of selling the place that has been the location of so many important events in their lives.  (Imagine the Huxtables leaving that great two story home where Sondra, Theo, Vanessa, Olivia and Rudy grew up.)
Other people hate their homes. They want more storage, bigger closets, bigger bedroom, new bathrooms and updated kitchens.  They aren’t sentimental at all.  (Think Clint Eastwood escaping from Alcatraz.) 
They want one thing only:  O.U.T.
Whichever category you fall in, you have a vested interest in getting the most out of your home in the least amount of time.  After all, houses are not just a great place to live, but a great investment.
When you put your house on the market, you’re competing against every property in the same price range in town.  You might believe you have the advantage in location or size or amenities, but potential buyers can be as picky as a toddler with a plate full of asparagus.
Here are a few pointers to help make your house appeal to the broadest number of buyers.  Whether you love it or hate it….

1.  Picture this!
          It’s really hard to look at your home from a buyer’s perspective, but this is one of the most important steps.  To make it easier, I recommend taking pictures of each room.  Don’t forget the closets and cupboards, because how much storage space is available is definitely a selling point.  Upload those pictures to your computer and really study your rooms, one by one.  Is there too much furniture?  Have you let your husband fill the table by his chair with his “essential” clutter?  Is that closet so jam-packed that opening the door reminds you of a jack-in-the-box at the end of its tune?
          Oh, wait.  I think that’s my house.

2.   Ride That Broom!
          The most important tip any realtor can give you is to get your house sparkling clean.  Deep clean once, including such things as light fixtures and replacing light bulbs.  Windows need to be clean and sparkling, because you’ll want your house to look light and airy.  When the buyer enters your home for the first time, it needs to be bright, clean, fresh-smelling and comfortable.
          And as you’ve no doubt already figured out, you’ll need to keep it that way.  Buyers aren’t just picky, they’re impatient.  If they can’t see your house in a pretty quick time period, they tend to move on to something else. 

3.  Life is Messy!
          While you’re in the process of cleaning your house, take a look at whether there are items you could pack away for your future move.  The more spacious you can make your home look, the quicker the sale.  We tend to surround ourselves with things that make our home seem homey to us.  But “homey” is really subjective.  A buyer wants to fill that same house with his things.  If yours are gone, it’s easier for him to visualize that space as his.  Things that could be packed away are family photos, knickknacks, collections, any items you rarely use, out of season clothes, etc. 

4.  Evaluate, Determine, Appraise…
Does the front flower bed need to be cleaned out?  Is the paint peeling?  Is that faucet dripping?  Do the shower doors and tile look clean and shiny?  Are the paint colors neutral?  Does the carpet need to be cleaned or replaced?  Sometimes a small expense like fresh paint or flowers in the flower bed can make all the difference.  Sometimes, it’s worth it to spend the money for new carpet, rather than wait months and months for a buyer to come along who’s willing to replace it themselves.

5.  Should I move that over there?
          When you’re evaluating your home, decide if any of the rooms has too much furniture in it.  It seems no matter how much space we have, we tend to fill it to overflowing.  See what items you could store away until you’re in your new home.  Decide how best to arrange the furniture to make the most of the space available.  If you need a second opinion, call your realtor for help.

6.  What’s my Style?
          Because we live in a world of constant change, it’s important to look at your home subjectively and determine if there are items in it that make it seem dated.  Look for items like knickknacks, flower arrangements, curtains, paintings, etc.  Though we might love those things, we are not the buyers.   

7.  A Bath and a Hot Meal…
          Kitchens and bathrooms sell a home, so look yours over carefully. 
Eliminate anything unnecessary on your countertops.  Organize your cupboards, because buyers will open every cabinet.  If they’re overwhelmingly cluttered, pack things away.  Make your countertops sparkle.  This might mean replacing them or refinishing them.  You decide what is necessary. 
But if you’ve hated your countertops for the last ten years, a buyer will probably hate them too. 
          In the bathrooms, look things over with a health inspector’s eye.  If your sink is chipped, check into replacing it.  If the faucets were installed twenty years ago, replace them.  Hang fresh towels.  Keep bathrooms looking and smelling clean and fresh.

8.  I Think She’s Attractive, but…
          80% of buyers decide to look at the interior of a home based on their reaction to the exterior.  If the interior looks like a feature in House Beautiful, but the outside looks like a reject from Mother Earth News, you’ll never get buyers to look past the front porch. Look at the paint, siding and bricks, as well as the decks or patios.  Would power-washing make it look new and fresh?  Clean leaves and weeds out of front flower beds, trim bushes, add flowers if the season is right.  Put children’s toys and bikes away. 
          According to many industry experts, over half of buyers decide whether they’re going to buy a house before they ever get out of the car!

9.  Every Space Matters.
          Closets matter.  Laundry rooms matter.  The back door where you shed your shoes matters.  Dog bowls, cat beds, bird cages matter.  Your kids’ toys matter. 
People notice everything.  Just make sure what they notice is good.

10.  You Need Help, Lady!
          This probably should have been the number one tip on the list, because it’s essential to your success.  If you’re really serious about selling your home, hire a professional.  Homes listed with realtors sell for an average of 16% more money than homes sold by owner.  On a $100,000 house... well, you can do the math.
          Love it or hate your house, who couldn’t use a nice little chunk of change like that?

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